Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Guy...

So I have been kind of seeing this guy. We both agreed not to make anything official (we are not boyfriends). We are just dating and having a bit of fun. I'm not ready to call anyone boyfriend just yet. It would be too weird. He's a CP and his program ends in August. He is going back to Ohio to finish up some classes, then wants to move back to Orlando.

I had a whole year to get over George emotionaly. As I said before, things had been off between us since my last program. So I don't feel that I'm rushing into anything. I'm just enjoying what was missing in my life. Me being happy is all that matters.

Now I find out that the guy is leaving on Sunday to go visit his parents (currently on vacation) in Atlanta and he does not know when he will be back. He's going to see some specialist about medical issues and may not return to Orlando if things are bad. So I have two days left with him. This really sucks! Turns out he'll be gone at least a week. :(
So here is my problem. Instead of just enjoying his company and having a good time, I kept comparing it to what I had (and of course it was far from it) and I was not happy. I put myself back into the feelings that I have had for the past year, complete confusion, and it was driving me crazy. Now that he is gone, I have a chance to step back and think about things. I really need to take some time to myself and not worry about anyone else. I need this break!

In case anyone is interested. This guy never came back. In fact, he completey cut communication with everyone here. None of know what happened to him. I know he's alive cause his profile continued to update for awhile. I eventually deleted him from everything I own. Stupid douche bag.

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