Saturday, April 18, 2009

Middle School Journal

I found my journal that I kept during middle and high school. I only read the first paragraph of the first page and felt I needed to talk about it. I want people to see how sad my life was when I was younger. I was bullied quite often. The following is right out of my journal.

“Today, in science, two kids, Chiqutia and Chris, allowed me to help with their Super Cell and they used some of my ideas. Me and Chris sometimes don’t get along to well and this was the first time we did something together without arguing…Me and Logan P. I think are becoming great friends. He never insults me much any more”.

Much any more? I was picked on so much that I thought this was ok. Him picking on me less meant he was becoming my friend. How tragic.

There are lots of interesting things in this journal. The most interesting, and most detailed, is was my time with my first boyfriend. It hurts me even now to think that I let him treat me the way that he did.

The entries jump around. There are large gaps between dates and some computer typed/printed pages that were folded and slipped in. I was so different then. I have definitely grown up and matured. Unfortunately, I am not as close to anyone in the journals as I was then. I still talk to most of them, online, when I see them.

Never take your friends for granted and make sure they know you still care for them. I wish I had.

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